虽然之前看过书但是两年后再接触一遍电影还是让我触目惊心中国历史有前科这不就是七几年代的大跃进和文革吗即使是现在也能在生活中找到与影片对应的影子——新闻宣传强迫青年大学习小时代片尾花絮强调优点淡化弱点寓政于教电影删减审核除香港台内地台都未看到新闻点评栏目等等 Everything fades into mist. The past is erased, the erasure forgotten. The lie becomes truth and then becomes a lie again.
典型的美国励志片不过还是很喜欢 We never know how high we are till we are called to rise. And then, if we are true to plan, our statures touch the skies. The heroism we recite would be a daily thing, did not ourselves the cubits warp, for fear to be a king.